What is the Tour?
5 FREE days of pre-planned group rides and races throughout the Zwift Matrix of Watopia, with your friends, neighbors and enemies from last season.

Individual riders primarily based in the Mountain West, but located across the globe.

Dec 17 prologue ride, with 4 stages through Saturday Dec 21. Rides will start at 6am MST

Your basement, garage, living room, shed, etc.

To celebrate the glorious adventure that is riding your bike indoors.

Do I have to be on a team?
NO! The Holiday tour is primarily an individual event. HOWEVER, it is designed as a way to cultivate new relationships and deepen friendships, so we encourage collaboration.

I don't want to race, is this for me?
ABSOLUTELY!! of the thousands of dollars of prizes that we have, the vast majority will be given out to participants in raffles, or a similar manner.

Do I have to do every stage?
NO! But you should. You'll be eligible for single day winner prizes, segment prizes and daily raffles.

I don't know anyone here, but this looks fun, what do I do to engage?
JOIN! COMMENT! ENGAGE! We were all new to Zwift once.

Can I sponsor a prize?
YES! While we already have thousands of dollars of prizes, the more the merrier. Reach out to Jack Boren for more information.